
The theme for this new regular post is all about sharing music!

I am a former DJ and collecting records, compiling playlists and mix tapes is still a big love of mine and something that I want to share with you with this blog.

So on regular Tuesdays I will put together a link for either a full playlist or just a single tune and share it with you on the #TuesdayTunesday post. I will share the music with Spotify or sometimes I will use YouTube.

This means that you will need to be a Spotify user to share the music but if you are not already using Spotify I would highly recommend it; it is brilliant!

Don’t be put off if you have your music collection on I Tunes as you can even use Spotify to listen to your I Tunes library. I found a great article on how to get the most out of Spotify here. (N.B I am in no way incentivized or paid by Spotify to write this).

So to kick things off why not sit down with a cuppa or even better a Baileys with ice and get in the festive spirit with The Christmas Mixtape!

Until next time…

Be excellent to each other.

The Taylors.

Post by Daddy.

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